Friday, February 17, 2012

Tough Week

Ok, blog. I owe you an apology.

I have been a bad blogger this week. My good friend Leigh Ann's husband passed away very suddenly this week. It's turned all of our lives on our heads.

I want to finish my remix, blog Ben pictures, do all the things I'm supposed to do. BUT I'm also feeling like how dare I fashion blog at a time like this!

I am wearing remix clothes today. I am not taking a picture. I didn't yesterday either. But I will finish. You just may not see it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

16/30 - My Funny Valentine

"Each day is Valentine's Day..."

So yes, I am wearing BRIGHT red pants in honor of Singles Awareness Day.

PS- Here's my real funny Valentine...

15/30 - Nobody Does it Better

Thank goodness I am back at school so Natalie can take my picture!! I can tell you are also relieved!

14/30 - Creature of the Air

The song title above is from a musical we did my sister's senior year. "Flight of the Lawnchair Man." Very unusual show, but fun. The song "Creature of the Air" is sung by a Katherine Hepburn-esque Amelia Earhart.

Anyway, I flew home form TMEA this morning at 7:00am and so this is what I wore on the plane. In first class. I am awesome.

13/30 - Grey

Here's a real picture of me!! At TMEA!! Of course it's completely blown out and maybe the worst ever picture of me. But, here it is, none the less.

12/30 - Butterfly

Um, so, I may have ALSO not had my picture taken on this day. But AGAIN! I did remix! It was my olive cords, my butterfly shirt from Kohls and my wellies. I was really cute too! Such a shame!

At some point I will re-inact the outfit so I can have a picture.

11/30 - Invisible

So, a weird thing happened on this day.

I was in San Antonio for TMEA and I just forgot to have anyone take my picture!!

I really did wear something in my remix, I swear! It was this:

Just not the blue shoes. I did the black wedges cause my blue shoes would have KILLED me with all the walking! Otherwise, it was a good day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

10/30 - The Wheels on the Bus

Yes, I am in fact on a bus! Today, we drove the kids down to San Antonio for All State. Keller ISD had 19 musicians make one of the varied band and choir ensembles. We at Central had 4 choir kids! And I love these kiddos too. Very easy bunch to chaperone!

In other news, I wore almost this identical outfit last Thursday. I did not remember this when I was getting dressed this morning at 4:00am. But, I did make it look different by wearing a scarf instead of a necklace, so that counts right!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

9/30 - Hollaback Girl

Stay with me on this one...

My outfit reminds me of Rachel Zoe.
Rachel Zoe reminds me of bananas ("Thaht. is. bih-nah-nuhs")
Bananas makes me think of that Gwen Stefani song.
Hence, the blog title.

Monday, February 6, 2012

8/30 - a Natural Woman

Not that I feel a whole lot like a woman in this, but the colors are so neutral and natural! This top is from Anthro and I think I like the idea of it more than the actual nature of it. It's beautiful and comfy, don't get me wrong, but the shape of the neck is sort of annoying. Oh well, it's like a 80/20 love/hate.

7/30 - Cashmere

This sweater is one of my new favorites. First off, it's cashmere. How can you not love it. Next off. It was a man's sweater with a missing button when I found it in the bargain bin at Uniqlo. Which brings me to my last point which is, it was regularly $120, and I got it for $30. Yup!

Also, check out these crazy earrings. Almost pulled my ears off!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

6/30 - Free As A Bird

I realize I am not wearing any birds today, but it feels floaty like a bird flying. Hence, The Beatles song title. When I took the picture, I had my shirt tucked in but I have since un-tucked it because I am lazy.

My bag is from H & M and I am in LOVE with it. I bought it in NYC over Thanksgiving to use while in the city. Such a good deal too!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Ben Randall Photography

So, you should really check out Ben's new blog:

He's got some talent. Maybe. We shall see. A little encouragement from Mom and Dad couldn't hurt though!

5/30 - Welcome to the Black Parade

I had no plans to wear these things together during my remix, but something happened on Tuesday that changed that. A gentleman from our church passed away suddenly this week. 60-ish, no health conditions. His wife just found him slumped at the computer and unresponsive. This is just about the worst thing I could imagine happening. I need to sing at the funeral today, so I have black trousers (in my remix) and black heels to go with this shirt that I will change into for the funeral.

Feels weird posting about fashion when a friend has passed...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

4/30 - Come Fly With Me

Owls fly, right?

Anyway, the necklace I am wearing is one of my All Time Favorite Jewelry Pieces! Owls are very trendy I realize, but the size and color on this piece makes me want to wear it forever. Thank you Forever 21!

This month, my Fine Arts Department gets to wear jeans on Thursday, so I put 2 pairs of jeans in my remix, rather than just my usual one.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

3/30 - Hot Legs

This post should really be called, hot legs and a lead foot.

I got pulled over today. In a middle school parking lot. At 7:00am. With no license and expired insurance. After having my car jumped.

So, as Leigh Ann said, "at least you look adorable!"

And this is my mad at the cops face: