Friday, July 22, 2011

Kim K - Part 2

Kim Kardashian is suing a girl named Melissa Molinaro and Old Navy for using her likeness in a commercial without her permission.

Today, I was at the store and a lady came up to me and said "Brittany!" and then said, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else!"

This is the kind of crazy thing people like Kim and I deal with everyday! Who is this "Brittany" and why is she representing herself as Jen Randall?! Oh, I mean, I get it. Why would you NOT want represent yourself as Jen Randall. But if she is going around Keller Walmarts with no-makeup and a ball cap, wearing running clothes and dragging a 3 year old, well, that's just slanderous!!! I have a trademark on that look and no one else should be rocking it lest they are trying to imitate me for profit!

I say, you go Kim K! Somebody has to stand up for wrongly impersonated celebrity and it should obviously be you! I got your back!

PATWTHIACIMPH - Kuchenloching

I'm just going to say it. Like ripping off a bandaid, just do it quick.



2 1/2...

2 9/10....


Whew! I feel better.

So, I am "dieting." Only, it's not really dieting as much as it's just "paying attention to what the hell I am cramming into my 'pie hole'." PATWTHIACIMPH, or the german Kuchenloch for short, is a very trendy new food fad where the participant actually prepares food, then, spends more than 30 seconds inhaling it. Chewing actually takes place. And, I have actually had time to taste and smell what I am eating, so I suppose that is positive as well.

However, I am starving. However, I can not wear any bottoms that don't consist of elastic. However, I miss mindless snacking. However, I get startled when I walk by a mirror wondering why the chick from "Bridesmaids" is in my house.

Get ready world. I am a lean, mean, kuchenloching machine!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jazz Fest 5K

July race is completed! Jazz Fest 5K in Sioux Falls was great! Humidity is unreal compared to Texas but it is much cooler!

Ok, small race rant. This course was a double loop figure 9. Meaning you finish on the same stretch you started after doing 2 loops. There was a woman who showed up 5 minutes to race time in jeans and cowboy boots. Her friend handed her shorts and a Tshirt and tennis shoes. She started ahead of me, walked the whole time, I passed her 2 times ( on the stretch) and finished RIGHT BEHIND ME in the shoot. There is no mathematical way she dis the loop twice. Meaning, she ended up having a better time than a few ladies who were running their booty off.

I love running and part of what I love is encouraging new runners. Thus chick came out today and just made a mockery of what we all work so hard at. Sad.

Anywho... Fun day!!!

It doesn't matter what I say, as long as I sing with inflection. - Blues Traveler

Location:Park Access Rd,Sioux Falls,United States

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mirror to your faults

Sometimes it really takes seeing a problem in someone else, before you can see the problem in yourself.

Hoarding: I vow to stop keeping things I don't need. I vow to plug in the shredder in the kitchen so I can rid my life of paperwork. I also vow to keep everything orderly and clean, because God forbid someday my children have to call A&E to come do an episode on me.

Body Image: I am not fat. I may be fatter than I'd like, but I have the power to change that. Eat less/better. Run. End of story. Stop whining. You never want to be that woman shopping who keeps saying, "well, I don't want to buy that size because I am going to loose some weight!"

It doesn't matter what I say, as long as I sing with inflection. - Blues Traveler

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Every OTHER day?

So how about running every OTHER day till vacation. I am doing pretty well with that! :)

Needing to start packing and such, but I have a couple of big events this weekend and it is making it tough to finish stuff now.