Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It's a...

Well, I won't lie to you. It's pretty awesome knowing this one is a boy! I mean, we have EVERYTHING for him already!!

Now, if only we could name him...

Friday, January 18, 2013

What's that now?

My oldest child is is a boy. I have always kind of assumed I'd be a "boy mom." Not that girls can't be cute or fun or whatnot, but they are really not my bag.

With that said, of COURSE, if this baby is a girl, I will love her to pieces. I will do her hair, take her to dance or gymnastics, and teach her how to be strong and independent.

However... The insinuation that it HAS to be a girl because my first is a boy is MORE than slightly annoying. And it seems to be universal. Everyone I meet seems to have the opinion. It will be so wonderful when we have a gender. Of course then people can start telling us we have to keep trying for a girl...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Disney Marathon Weekend

So, this weekend is the 20th Annual Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. It kicked off this morning with some 10,000 people running the 5K. I am SO depressed!

Do you know how much I LOVE the Disney Marathon weekend? How running the 1/2 in was the best 13.1 miles of my life?!

Le Sigh.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Stage 5 Clinger

Do your kids ever have a magnet phase? Like suddenly, Ben can't get enough of me. I could be in the same room and that's not close enough, he insists I sit ext to him, or he stand next to me in the kitchen, or I put him to bed only (no Daddy!).

I think it happens more during times when I'm around alot. Like Christmas and Summer Break when we're all home together. I'm gone so much during the school year, I think he just goes crazy when I'm available. Kinda sad really, kind of annoying too!

Not that I don't want to hang out with my kid, just sometimes I can not and he needs to understand that. Like when I'm doing church music, or, in the shower!

So, I just try to spend as much quality time as I can, time that will make him sick of me and then we move on. We'll see how long my shadow lasts this time.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Here we go, for 2013!

1) Faith- always first!
2) Health- gotta make healthy choices, not just for me of course, but the baby as well! Walking everyday and less processed junk is a start.
3) Saving Spree- how much money can I NOT spend this year!

There you go! We shall see!!